Friday, July 24, 2009

House of Reps AKA Whiny Office Sponges

Gotta love these people who think they're going to make everybody happy at the office -

House of Representatives Summary


To have a forum in each of the locations and on a state-wide basis for employees to communicate concerns or issues. The intent is to provide another communication channel to you for things that you may not be comfortable going to your LOB leader or coach to discuss.


· Each location representative group will have members that represent different levels of experience as well as different lines of business.

· There should be between 4 and 7 people in each group.
o Mark in ***** will organize and lead the House.
o Jane will organize and lead the House in ****
o Amy will organize and lead the House in *****

· Issues that employees have should be addressed to a member of the House of Representatives.
· Each location will have a suggestion box for anonymous suggestions.
· Each House of Representatives will hold an annual initial organizational meeting with its location leaders before November 30th. The purpose for this meeting is as follows:

o Discuss the purpose of the House of Representatives.
o Discuss "Best Practices" for the House
o Assign responsibilities for addressing various tasks for the House
o Schedule date for the next meeting

· Each house of representative will meet every 4 months
· Each subsequent meeting should:

- address the issues that were raised at previous meetings and how they have been resolved..
- Address any new issues..
- Assign responsibilities for addressing these issues.
- A summary of issues discussed should be forwarded to ****

· New representatives may be added every year.
· Any questions on the house of representatives should be addressed to

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